Videos make an excellent way to give seekers a different medium for learning about our meditation classes / Centre.

To get ideas about creating videos, have a look at some examples of videos here.

In short: think of how you would present meditation and centre at a meditation class or public lecture.

Technical aspects of creating video

  • Even modern smartphones can shoot relatively good quality footage these days. Though sound quality can be poor. A good microphone is the best way to improve the quality of videos.
  • Good lighting helps improve the quality of a video.
  • Have backups of battery and memory cards.
  • Worth testing set up before interview takes place, many things can go not work.

Tips on editing video

  • Start with an interesting section to grab people’s attention. Avoid lengthy introductions.
  • There is no hard and fast rule about optimal length of a video but often people have short attention spans!
  • Before publishing show to others for a second opinion.
  • See more at: Guidelines for videos

Where to publish a video?

  • If you have a video, you are welcome to share it with us. It is nice to see what other people do and it may be useful for some other websites too. We would publish at one of our centre accounts like our Vimeo channel. From there it is easy to embed the video on your sites. See how to embed videos here.
  • If you want to consider publishing elsewhere, please first ask a centre leader/country coordinator about a suitable channel/place.
  • If you have any questions feel free to ask, we can try help on technical aspects and the best way to publish and promote videos.