Before starting on your country site, it is good to ask, what exactly do you want people to do when they reach it? The two main answers usually are

  • For people who have heard a little about us already, to find out more and get a sense of who we are
  • Find about the different events we offer and get in touch with us

You can get a lot of inspiration from looking at the existing pages.


We spent a lot of time working on some main pages in the main Centre site, creating so-called ‘superpages’. These pages are usually full width pages

Non English speaking countries are very welcome to translate these pages and customise them to include local content e.g see

Of course for English language sites we cannot just translate those pages. But we can use the inspiration to update our existing pages, and also take the opportunity to include a lot of local content e.g

Some features of these new pages:

  • Extensive use of videos and audio. See video section below.
  • The opportunity to include dynamic listings: for example:
    – you can automatically insert recent articles on meditation written by your Centre members into a page on meditation
    – insert a listing of members who work in the Oneness Heart Tears and Smiles in your humanitarian page
    – or even a ‘poem of the day’ or ‘artwork of the day’ from our external sites into the appropriate page.