Due to technical difficulties, we can no longer enable new photos to be uploaded to gallery.srichinmoyraces.org.

As an alternative, we suggest Smug Mug. The advantage of Smug Mug is that we aim to be able to integrate photos from Smug Mug into Sri Chinmoy Races.

Note: There is only one login per account.

We suggest each country get their own account or they may like to share with others.

How to sign up

Visit Smug Mug and click ‘Try it Now’ – Sign up

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Enter you country e.g. Ireland.smugmug.com

If you choose power option ($6 a month) you can choose custom domain. You don’t have to pay until you have tried for 14 days.

The sign up email can always be changed later.

Customising look

You can customise look of the home page, and choose your own folders and galleries.

Examples of galleries

Custom domain

If you would like us to set up a custom domain e.g. ukgallery.srichinmoyraces.org – just tell us what you would like and send the login

Help pages

Smug mug have their own help pages