On this page: Basic format • Options •
Using listings, you can display:
- Display latest news items for your country, or worldwide
- Stories and videos by members, either from your country or worldwide.
Listings of news, stories, videos are added using shortcodes, which is basically some text inside square brackets which specify what kind of thing should be added. For those unfamiliar with shortcodes, you can first read over this page here. The main thing – if you are not sure, or run into trouble, ask us!
Basic format
- [news] Displays news items, date first. Unless overridden, the listings will only display news from the country site it was created in.
- [stories] Stories will also include videos by default. To limit the listing to stories only, you should include a type option: [stories type=”stories”]
- [videos] A listing of videos only
By default, stories and videos will only display content by users from that country. It may also pull in content from member sites, as long as the member comes from the country. You might need to also limit to your native language using the language option (see below)
General options
- title – the title of the listing: eg Latest News
- description – a subheading for the listing
- limit – the number of items in the listing
- morelink – after the description, a link to another page
- section_id – this adds a CSS id, which is good for internal ‘anchor’ linking within a page
- moretext – The text of the link. If morelink is specified and moretext is not, then ‘read more’ is displayed by default
- category – Narrow the listing down to a category. This allows you to display stories only of a particular type. The following options are available: art-photography, enterprises, guru-experience, first-steps, meditation, ohts, humour, interfaith, meditation-experiences, music, peacerun, spiritual, manifestation, sports, writing
- language – Limit to a particular language i.e de or en . In particular, you might need this to limit stories and videos on non English sites.
- display – If this option isnt set, the items will be listed in a 2-wide table. However they can also be displayed in a compact carousel form, in 4 different styles: carousel, carousel-fullimage, carousel-description, carousel-strip. Worldwide stories can additionally be displayed on a world map by setting display=”worldmap”
- includefeatured – this is a special option for news items, to also allow you to include recently created stories and videos for that country.
- order – If this option is not specified, then news items will automatically be displayed newest first, and stories and videos will randomly display featured items.You can instead set [stories order=”date”] to display recent stories, and show random news items by setting [news order=”random”]
- featured – Some content on the site is marked as featured – by default, only the featured items will appear in worldwide listings. You can add featured=”0″ to override this.
- excludeprevious – By default, an item will be excluded from listings if it already appeared further up the page, you can add excludeprevious=”0″ to override this
- exclude_nids – Exclude a particular page or group of pages from listings by specifying their node id
Note: category used to be called tid, display used to be called class – you might still see them on old listings.